# Installation

# via Yarn / NPM

yarn add vuuri

# or with NPM
npm install vuuri

Then, import and register the component:

import Vue from 'vue'
import vuuri from 'vurri'

Vue.component('vuuri', vuuri);

# via CDN

<script src="https://unpkg.com/vuuri@1.0.0"></script>
// register globally
Vue.component('vuuri', window.vuuri.default)


The package itself does not include any CSS, since it only takes care of displaying your elements.

# Usage

  <vuuri v-model="items">
    <template #item="{ item }">
      <YourComponent :item="item" />

import vuuri from 'vuuri';
import YourComponent from '/@/components/YourComponent';

// register globally
Vue.component('vuuri', vuuri)

export default {
    // OR register locally
    components: { 
    data () {
      return {
        items: [...], // your elements to render on screen

<style scoped lang="scss">
  // your styles